Friday, September 02, 2005

Create an Autoplay CD

How to Create An Auto-Play CD

PC Magazine 05.04.2004

The application CDs that you buy launch automatically, and your burned CDs can do the same. They can invoke a setup program or display an HTML page that links to the CD's contents. Use Notepad to create a three-line text file based on the lines below, and name it Autorun.inf. Place the file in the CD's root directory.




Replace setup.exe with the program that should launch when the CD is inserted, and replace icon.ico with the file containing the CD's icon. In both cases, be sure to omit the drive letter. If you want to launch a nonexecutable item like an HTML file, precede it with start.exe in the open= line. Note that all file links in the HTML file should be relative ones, omitting the drive letter.


open=start.exe index.html

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