Saturday, December 29, 2007

Switching to the Mac - keyboard shortcuts

After eight years using PC's I was worried that my switch to the mac would be problematic because of my love and usage of keyboard shortcuts. Immediately after using the Mac I've already discovered several keyboard shorts that I use regularly. There's only a few shortcuts that I miss from the PC, but so many new ones that I use to save me time on my Mac laptop.

  • Command + ,
    Open an application's preferences
  • Command + Q
    Quit an application (saves time over going to dock or using the menu bar)
  • Command + Tab
    Equivalent of Alt+tab on windows, easily switch between two applications or any applications. . .I couldn't work without this, especially in web design

F11 Show all Windows in Exposé (I custom set this key for this)
F12 Hide all Windows and show the desktop (custom set)

  • Command + N
    Open a new finder window
  • Shift + Command + N
    Create a new folder (one of my favorite shortcuts on the Mac, and unfortunately there's no equivalent on PC's)
Option + arrows Move a word left or right, helps to quickly get through a typed line

And of course. . . .

Command + C Copy
Command + V Paste
Command + X Cut

Thank God these basic commands are essentially identical on the Mac.

The only shortcut I really miss from the PC is F2 which allows you to quickly rename a file or folder. There's no keyboard shortcut for renaming something on a Mac, but click twice slowly a filename can be renamed.

Firefox shortcuts

  • Command + T
    Open a new tab (this one saves a lot of time, I'm a tab-a-holic)
  • Command + R
    Reload a page
  • Command + arrows
    Use the left and right arrows to go back and forward in the history (can be a real timesaver on a website you just browsed when you're not using tabs)
  • Scroll wheel click
    Yes, it's not a keyboard shortcut, but it will open a link, bookmark, etc. in a new tab, a college friend of mine showed me this one, and he's been my hero ever since. I feel pity for the poor souls that are control-clicking on links in web browser, or even worse, opening pages in a new window. I couldn't browse the internet without this one. . .

Maybe someday

Command + D
Bookmark a page in Firefox

Function (fn) + delete
equivalent of using the delete key on a PC keyboard. My laptop doesn't have a "delete" key so I might start using this eventually

Eject button
Apple's design prowess really shines with the eject button standard on all mac keyboards for several years back. It's faster than going to the desktop and dragging a disk to the trash

If you have any keyboard shortcuts you can't live without that I've missed, please feel free to send me a comment by email.


Anonymous said...

Actually, if you press "enter" it will let you rename files. You missed that :) other useful things - alt + cmd + w closes all windows of that app.


Anonymous said...

ctrl+alt+apple key+8

rajesh said...

I have an imac G4, and would like to restore it to its original settings like when you first got it.
Does any know how to do this?
F.Y.I. - I don't have the OSX discs so is there a way to do this without the discs?